Citizens Foresight on 2024 European Parliament Elections with Voices from Central and Eeastern Europe

Citizens Foresight on 2024 European Parliament Elections with Voices from Central and Eeastern Europe

In 2023, LATO participated in a year-long project led by the Visegrad Insight think tank, which focused on predicting the outcome of the European Parliament elections based on various possible scenarios and making appropriate policy recommendations. In addition to several international events outside Latvia and the development of joint publications, on 26 September LATO held two EP2024 Strategic Foresight Workshops for representatives of think tanks, youth and policy makers in the Baltic States. The discussions mapped the possible outcomes of the European Parliament elections and the impact on the following areas: strengthening democracy; participation; rule of law; media freedom; polarisation in Europe; gender equality; social stratification. In addition to Visegrad Insight and LATO, the following international partners participated in the project: Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Bratislava Policy Institute, #CIVICS, #DPART, Euro Créative, Atviros Lietuvos fondas, Robert Schuman Institute (Budapest).